Business Tax and Liability Diagnostic

Business Agreement Inventory

Diagnosing and exposing the tax and liability risks in your business agreements requires that we inventory your various legal documents which support buy and sell plans, golden handcuff plans, profit incentive plans and tax returns.

Our staff will review your legal documents for language that would cause:

  • An unexpected tax liability by you or your heirs because an incentive plan included a transfer of stock;
  • A manager with a profit incentive considers himself or herself as an “owner” because of partnership language used in an agreement;
  • Your family to be unable to regain control of the company stock from a key employee;
  • Restrictions on corporate stock that limits ownership to specific lineal descendants;
  • The need for additional income tax deductions.


Our internal review of your agreements is also vetted by outside legal counsel which we engage on your behalf.

We recently performed a Business Tax and Liability Diagnostic for a business owner with multiple offices, many of which are spearheaded by separate managers. If you click here, you can access the diagnostic we completed – the boxes in red are each a lawsuit waiting to erupt based on legal counsel review.

If you have partners or key individuals who possess the right to be an owner, become an owner, or share in the profits of your business and you are unsure how your current legal documents protect you, please click LEARN MORE and The Rushmore Private Client Group representative will contact you.